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We’re getting rid of fearless in our mission statement. Here’s why.

by Makeda Keegan

For years, you have heard us proudly declare:

Our mission is to amplify historically excluded voices in technology and those who support them to be fearless leaders.


Effective immediately, we are dropping “fearless.” 

During our Leadership Academy sessions, it became clear that our participants were ready to push through fear to achieve their goals. In each session, every participant crafted their personal development strategies and outlined how they would execute them. Although everyone had different challenges, there was one constant theme:

They allowed themselves to be afraid of the changes they were committing to make, and then they decided to do it anyway.

Fear isn’t entirely negative. In the best of circumstances, it is here to serve us. Fear helps us avoid life-threatening situations. Fear can also be a prison, preventing us from growth and change when danger isn’t as imminent.

Aspiring to become fearless before executing goals will guarantee that we remain immobilized - you can get stuck in the same habits, patterns, and results. Taking action on our goals can be intimidating, but feeling and acknowledging that fear while moving forward will ultimately lead to knowledge, growth, and change. 

If you are interested in getting more clarity about your goals and want to define your leadership journey (even if that scares you a little bit), follow #WeAreAmplify on LinkedIn or join us to find out when the Leadership Academy application opens for the Fall 2024 session.  

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